Supergirl season 1 episode 16
Supergirl season 1 episode 16

supergirl season 1 episode 16

She stumbles a bit but then flies off as her veins briefly glow red.The Red K really does a number on Kara. After rescuing the firemen, she walks past some rubble hiding the Red K.

Supergirl season 1 episode 16 series#

Your turn, hit the comments with your thoughts on what may have been the best episode of the series so far.Kara catches part of Cat’s interview on the TV at work however, she’s called away by the DEO to assist some firemen who are having trouble with a blaze on a rooftop. It could be good news for Winn, but it's definitely bad news for Kara. Or maybe it will happen in two weeks when The Flash drops by for a visit.Īccording to the episode description for Supergirl Season 1 Episode 17, we have not seen the last of Siobhan. It could take awhile, but perhaps it will happen sometime around the time Non returns and unleashes Myriad, whatever that is. Supergirl has her work cut out for her now that she must regain the trust of her city. Plus, it is so blatantly obvious that he has a thing for Alex. He legitimately seemed sorry that Supergirl was hurt, and he came to them on his own accord to help cure her. It's not just about them working together for a common goal against Non anymore. Will Senator Crane take over in the meantime, or will Alex? Let's just hope it's not General Lane.Īs suspected, they're clearly trying to reform Lord into a good guy. I do not want to see him locked up for too long, especially with Non still looming. The DEO needs him Alex and Kara need him. Personally, I think he'll regain Senator Crane's trust and earn back his position, but how long will it take? I did not expect his secret to come out this season, and he's the one facing the biggest fallout from Kara's crazy spell. Now I'm really curious about what's going to happen to Hank. : Because I'd spend a thousand years in this cell if it meant keeping you, and your sister, safe.Hank: Because I'd spend a thousand years in this cell if it meant keeping you, and your sister, safe. Kara is going to be feeling pretty terrible about breaking her arm, though.Īlex: Why didn't you run? You could have gotten away. They've been through so much already since Kara embraced her powers, and they've come out stronger every time. I suspect Alex and Kara will talk it out, hug it out, and all will be good between them before too long. She said some pretty awful things and came on way too strong, but at least her feelings are out in the open now. As Kara said, she doesn't want to be the rebound girl, so maybe it is a good thing James is taking some time.

supergirl season 1 episode 16

They keep finding ways to throw a wrench into the potential Kara/James relationship, but we all know they'll get there eventually. Kara: I'm embarrassed you even know that. James and Alex know that, and they're going to have to find a way to move past it.Īlex: He likes you, you like him, okay? Rebound relationships, they can work. The thing about the red kryptonite is, while it made Kara say and do things she normally wouldn't, it doesn't make everything she said completely untrue. However, things are much more complicated now with Hank (J'onn), Alex, and especially James. While Cat, surprisingly, didn't wet herself after being thrown off a building, she's already forgiven Supergirl and is ready to help rebuild her image. Friend with benefits? Regardless, Winn and Kara should be okay going forward. Winn mostly came out of it unscathed, other than losing his new.I don't know if girlfriend is the right word. : Supergirl, I fear you are having some sort of mental breakdown.That is, if your alien brain will respond to the SSRIs. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, and I am happy to take you to Dr. Supergirl, I fear you are having some sort of mental breakdown. While what happened to Kara was not her fault, this is going to have some major repercussions on her relationships going forward, not to mention on the city's view of Supergirl. She was so cold when she was talking to Alex in her apartment., and Chyler Leigh was equally great portraying Alex barely holding it together.such a great scene. Don't get me wrong, she's been great all season, but watching her bring out the villainous side of Kara/Supergirl was quite the transformation.

Supergirl season 1 episode 16